I have just finished this book written by Michael Savage. This has to be one of the most profound books I have read and talk about relevant, Mr. Savage has hit the nail right on the head.
Have you ever wondered why thirty years ago you saved money in the bank and there was a return in the form of interest and today there is none? Are you still saving money in the bank because you think it is save? Do you trust the current financial situation with the likes of who is running the Federal Reserve (private banking) and the international monetary fund (IMF)?
We’ve got a health care system now (Obamacare). But do you really think they have told you everything we need to know after, “You can keep your present insurance”, a promise made by none other than our president? The health care act was written in such a form for a reason, so the everyday American wouldn’t understand it and most have no idea of what is in the back ground.
How do you think Obama’s giving amnesty to over five million illegal aliens will affect our country? What really happens when so many illegal aliens are feeding from the government handouts? Obama said they wouldn’t be covered by Obamacare, but they are already overwhelming many medical systems. Do you wonder why Obamacare redefined full time work week as 30 hours instead of 40?
These and many others Michael Savage asks and provides the answers to in his latest book. I know many Democrats , Republicans and liberal do-gooders will call Michael Savage and his book a bunch of hog wash, bunk, crying wolf, but what they need to know is Michael did a good job. He has footnoted everything in the book. He has provided all the evidence to back up everything stated in the book. Want to call him on it, well read the book, read all the foot notes, then step back and think.
America, we need to wake up and see what is happening around us. We the People need to stand up and make our elected officials stand up and do the right thing. Michael has explained what and how we need to do it. If we Americans don’t stand up and take charge, no one will do it for us. What we don’t need is for people to say, “Oh, I don’t count”, or “my vote don’t mean much.”
I wonder why now so many in the Obama mafia are stirring the racial pot? And if you don’t think it’s being stirred, then look again. Erik Holder, Al Sharpton and crew have done a great job this past year. Obama has thrown in his two cents worth in other cases as well. But don’t take my word for it, read the book. Oh by the way Mr. Savage has some foot notes to back up those statements as well.
You can find STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR on line or at your favorite book store. It’s many different formats: paper back, hardcover, e-book, so take your pick.
Yea, I know there will be a lot who will say I way over board and just shake their head and think I’m stupid. But unless you have read the book and honestly thought about it, then you have no say.