“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.  This statement was made by President Kennedy at his inauguration.  Looking at what the United States has fallen into, it seems so many have turned this statement around.  The United States was built on hard work, everything wasn’t just handed out.  Today so many have no idea what responsibility, work ethic means.  A handshake, a man’s word is his bond.  These are a couple things I grew up with, in today’s world are nothing but words and motions to most.

As a very young lad, my Dad gave me chores to do, these were my responsibility.  If I didn’t do them, who else would?  One day we had went to town, getting home a little late, Mom had supper ready.  I figured, supper was ready, I would eat first then go out and do my chores.  I was sitting at the table, Dad asked me, “Got your chores done?” to which I replied, no, but I would get them done after supper.  “You know the chickens can’t eat until you feed them, the dog doesn’t have fresh water to drink until you give it.  You need to get up and go do your chores first”.  As I was getting up to leave, he then added, “Then you can just wait until tomorrow morning to eat, this way you will know how they feel”.  This lesson stuck with me my whole life – animals always came first.  No matter how hungry, thirsty or tired, they got taken care of first. What I didn’t know then was, he was giving me a lesson in “work ethics and responsibility”.

I was about 5yrs old, we were in town.  I saw something I wanted and ask Dad if I could get it.  He looked at me, then asked, “do you got the money to pay for it?”, to which I replied no.  He then added, “I don’t want it so why should I pay for it?  If you don’t have the money then you don’t need it.”  I then asked Dad how I could get the money.  We made an agreement, after my chores were done, he would find “other work” for me to do.  We would agree on the price then at the end of the month we would settle up.  I never had to ask Dad what I could spend my money on, although he was very free with his advice, after giving he would add, but it is your money.  Dad set up a savings account for my brother and me.  We learned the value of a dollar.  I got sent to a private school to which Dad paid for, but when I wanted to go to Boise State University’s Vo-Tec school, I had to pay for that.  So I dug in worked after school, found a scholarship to pay part and got through it.  Dad said he would support me by letting me live at the house for free while I was going to school.  He never offered any money.  We had discussions about money, he told me there were times to borrow money like big ticket items – house, car and such, but other things, save your money and pay for it, don’t go into debt.  One of the best economic advisors I ever had.

When it came to jobs, it really didn’t matter what it was, I would do it for pay.  I’ve cut weeds out of mint fields, trained hops, mowed lawns, cleaned ditch, I have done so many different jobs.  I was working at a trailer manufacturing place and got laid off so got to draw unemployment for a month.  After about 3 weeks I was restless, needed a job, so got my ass out and found one.  Dad told me once, “There is always a job out there to do if you want to work, it may not be the job you like but it will put beans on the table.  Sooner or later the job will come you want and you will get it.  Plus doing all the crappy jobs, an employer will see you have a good work ethics” . 

This is the problem today, too many people who don’t want to work.  They believe “the job” is below them, so they would rather go on social help than get their ass out and work.  When I was growing up, it was embarrassing to be on social help.  Today it is almost a job for some people because they don’t want to get out and work. 

If I was in charge things would change.  Able body people would be required to work to get their social help.  There are so many jobs which can be put into this category.  Even child care for those on “welfare jobs” can be done by those on “welfare”.  Maybe if those going on welfare were required to work, then maybe they would get out and get a job they would rather do. 

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  These are the things which are guaranteed by our Constitution.  Everything else is something you need to get your behind out and make it happen.  If these work ethics were brought back today, our society would grow.  People accepting responsibility for themselves instead of wanting/letting the government take care of them.   

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